Being Well, Doing Well
What is the Being Well Doing Well (BWDW) programme?
We are excited to be part of a new programme developed by the Education Authority called Being Well Doing Well, creating a whole school approach to Emotional Health and Wellbeing. We know that when pupils feel valued, happy and secure, they will reach their full potential.
The Being Well Doing Well (BWDW) programme is part of The Children & Young People’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing in Education Framework.
The programme aims to support schools (nursery, primary, post primary, special and EOTAS) to develop a Whole School Approach to Emotional Health and Wellbeing by resourcing them with:
- An Emotional Health & Wellbeing Framework to assist them to assess their current practice, identify needs and implement actions to develop the emotional health and wellbeing needs of everyone within the school;
- A package of support which includes a BWDW Toolkit, advice, resources and training to assist them to improve the holistic outcomes of the whole school by addressing their emotional health and wellbeing needs; and
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing outcomes which will reduce pupils barriers to learning and enhance their readiness to learn.
A range of free online courses is available at IN OUR PLACE. Some of the courses state there is a fee but by using the access code 'NIFAMILIES' you can access all the courses for FREE! There are courses for parents, carers, grandparents and teens, and they can be used to help support the emotional health and wellbeing of children of all ages. Some of the courses are available in other languages, if this is relevant to you.
Please take a few minutes to see what is available: IN OUR PLACE
A dedicated website to help parents, carers and young people be more safe, secure and supported online.
Funded by the Department of Health and developed by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) in partnership with Ineqe Safeguarding Group, the Online Safety Hub is split into two sections, one for parents and carers and one for young people.
The Hub is free to access and includes information on variety of topics including, how to manage screen time, understanding the latest gaming platforms and reporting inappropriate content.
Magherafelt Nursery School, 32A Castledawson Road, Magherafelt, BT45 6PA | Phone: 028 7963 2981