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Magherafelt Nursery School, Magherafelt

Meet the Governance Team

The Board of Governors take an active role in all the strategic affairs of the school and strongly supports the work of the staff. They are committed to maintaining the high-quality leadership and management of the school.

EA Representatives:

Mr N Richardson (Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection)

Mrs J Trimmings (Governor for Finance)

Mrs M Sheridan (Vice Chair)

DE Representatives:  

Ms M McSorley

Mrs C Cawley

Parent Representatives:

Mrs S J Knox (Chair)

Teacher Representative:

Mrs L McGill

Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors (non-voting)

Mrs L Whiteside


Mrs SJ Knox (Chair)
Mrs SJ Knox (Chair)
Mr N Richardson (Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection)
Mr N Richardson (Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection)